Please pray for my granddaughter & daughter. Alyssa had another ultrasound done yesterday--baby girl's heartbeat is still irregular & so my daughter has to go see a Ped's Cardiologist Thurs. 3/27/08. First, her Dr. told her after the baby was born they'd call in the Cardiologist to make sure baby is okay, but then when he heard the heart beat versus just seeing the ultrasound pics he wanted her to go see Dr. Martin right away. Soooo, please pray for both mommy & baby. And don't forget wisdom for the doctor.
Thank you and Bless you!
Last Tuesday I was woken up by my daughter who is 8 months pregnant standing above me at 5:15am yelling at me to "get up". No, she wasn't in labor. Come to find out, Monday night while driving in the car together, she wasn't really ignoring me. Instead she was texting AND hanging on my every spoken word as I voiced my plans for the next morning. To quote me, "Tomorrow morning I'm going to the gym at 5:30am."
Now, do you see any invite in there or request for her to be my human alarm clock?
Me neither.
Before the sun even thought about rising, she had turned into this drill sergeant barking orders at me to get up, get dressed or she was going to drive to the YMCA alone. In my car. Within in my mind, I was bold... "Whatever mama, go." Finally realizing she was not going to leave me alone, I got dressed and got in the car with her. I walked on the treadmill for 20 minutes, went back home, showered and started my day; and what a great day it was. All my food choices from that point on were healthy ones.
Friday night I exercised, Saturday afternoon I exercised and even Sunday morning before church I did the treadmill. I feel great, but my poor muscles are in a state of soreness and confusion as to why the heck they aren't lounging on my couch. They'll thank me once the fat is gone and they can be seen once again.
After my daughter's rude awakening, she had given me one more chance of joining her as she shouted down to the basement at me, Mo-om, are you coming?
"YES!" I shouted back.
My saying yes that morning to my hormomal teenager resulted in a day full of energy. Plus she was scary. Also, the athlete within me came out of the self-induced food coma I had put her in and has not stopped high-fiving me for our new lifestyle.
When I say yes to exercise, I look and feel better. When I say yes to healthy food over junk food, I look and feel better. Saying yes to what's good for me has benefits that are incredibly joyous for me. Smaller clothing, more energy, more confidence and a healthier body to name a few.
See, last Monday I called a friend of mine from high school. I asked Tami not only for her prayers for my desired weight loss , but also for her tips on how she had been so successful in her own weight loss journey. Her answer made something within my mind finally click and ignite a fire in me.
"Dedication. I knew that I didn't like who I was and that I needed to change. I drove 12 miles one way 3 times a week to a gym for a workout at 5am. I did this for 2 years because I knew it was good for me and I felt and looked so much better. Even when I didn't feel saying yes to going in the morning, I would make myself go because I knew the results would be so good for me."
She was right and dedication looks beautiful on her.
Tami kept saying yes to exercise, yes to eating healthier, yes to drinking water and it all has paid off for her. The thing is though, after shedding and keeping the extra weight off for over 2 years, she is still saying yes to her healthy habits. May not want to, but minimum 3 times a week she is on her treadmill in her basement no later than 5:10am and I tell you, her cute shape shows it in her favorite jeans!
At the very beginning of Tami's 2 year drive to the gym, I doubt much change showed on the outside, but she probably had more energy inside. Her changes began on the inside and eventually moved their way out to her appearance. She kept waking up early and driving those 12 miles and soon the woman that climbed into that car at 5am wasn't taking up so much space in the driver's seat as she was getting smaller with each yes she gave. Her persistence to keep going changed not only her look, but her life and once again she liked who she is. All because she was consistent in saying yes.
Reminds me so much of our walk with God. It is so tough, but so worth it. Saying yes to some of the things God asks of us may go against all human thinking, but when we say yes to Him, amazing things begin to happen in our lives and in His timing what is happening on the inside eventually shows on the outside.
I want to be woman who
chooses to
consistently say
"YES" God to
whatever He asks me to do. He's not always going to ask us to do something we enjoy or like, but when we have an obedient heart He rewards those who diligently seek Him. I personally think He enjoys seeing us getting moved out of our comfort zone. For when we
aren't comfortable we rely more on Him and our independence gets shoved to the side.
Like my dear friend Tami, just because she lost all the excess weight, she didn't stop saying yes. It's a daily struggle with her. She would rather sleep in and let the sunshine or her kids' voices wake her up, but she knows if she doesn't do what is required of her, the weight might come back and old habits may resurface. Daily choice to say yes.
Join me in saying Yes to God and let's see what happens. Beginning next Tuesday, March 25th I will be hosting the Blog Bible study "YES to GOD Tuesdays".
There will soon be a button you can add to your blog, so check back.
We are hoping to get a lot of woman to say Yes with us so please spread the word. We will be reading the book and Bible study,
"What Happens When Women Say Yes to God" by Lysa TerKeurst.
and will be able to share what God is doing in our lives. You'll also be able to link your blog so others can read your own thoughts on the chapter and Bible study. At the end of each chapter is a study. Short and simple, but incredible. If you don't have the book you can purchase it here on my blog or visit
Lysa and buy it there. Or check with your local bookstore...just buy the book and do this thing with us!
*Read chapter 1 and do the Bible study by next Tuesday, March 25th & get ready to share what you learn! Every Tuesday from March 25-Tuesday May 19th will be
YES to GOD Tuesday's right here!
Let's say Yes and watch God change us from the inside out!
Sign up below if you're planning on joining me in this adventure! If you don't have a blog, just put your name. If you do have one, make sure to put your blog address in the URL line.
Any blogs listed below visit them and I promise that you'll feel blessed!
~Many Blessings~