
Thursday, November 13, 2008

YES to GOD FAQ'S and answers

YES to GOD study FAQ's:

1. ) What is YES to GOD Tuesday's?

YES to GOD Tuesday's was birthed in my heart from God after I read Lysa TerKeurst's book "What Happens When Women Say Yes to God". I longed to do a Bible study in my home, but with my husband having major back surgery and our teen daughter becoming a Mom within the same week Spring of '08, hosting a Bible study in my basement was impossible, so God gave me this idea.
Once a book is decided on then I give the start date then we read a chapter a week and meet here every Tuesday to discuss it. I share what leaped out to me in the chapter and I give you the same opportunity through Mr. Linky at the end of each post.
It is amazing to read different insights on one chapter and I have learned so much and been blessed beyond what I deserve by participating in these studies.

The 1st study we did here was Lysa's book and if you want to read those Tuesday posts you can find then on the sidebar of this blog on the right side all the way at the bottom as well as all the studies.

It was an incredible study and the enthusiasm over what God was showing us women from all over the place was awesome. Collectively, we decided to continue and now God is lining up the studies He wants done.
Women from all over the globe and almost all the states have participated in the studies.
God is simply amazing.

2.) How do I get the book for the next study?
~Sometimes the author has a website store.
~Your local book store or see if they can order it for you.
~On line (Amazon...)
~Sometimes Proverbs 31 Ministries offers the book we are doing.

3.) How many people can join this study?
~as many as God has in mind.
There is no limit of participants, so please invite your friends to join us.

4.) Do I have to have a blog to participate?
NO! You can just read every Tuesday's discussion OR you can leave your words of wisdom by commenting under the anonymous button.

5.) If I have a blog, but I don't know what to say in a comment can I still do it?
Absolutely. You never have to leave a comment or blog about it. You can participate to the level you are comfortable with even if that means just discussing it with only God.

6.) What do I need to do?
Pray. Pray that God shows you what He wants you to learn in this study then meet here every Tuesday. Also pray for each other.

7.) How can I let others know about YES to GOD Tuesdays on my blog?~On my sidebar there is a YES to GOD button that you can right click on and add to your own sidebar. You would go under 'Layout' then add it to the sidebar under 'Add Picture'. If you want to link it to my blog then you'd put my URL in the URL blank That directs them here.

8.) If the study has already started, can I still join?
Yes! Jump in whenever you are ready on line, or just catch up and silently participate.

9.) Do I have to sign up?
No, but it's fun to know where everyone is from and gives the chance for others to visit you if you are a blogger.

10.) Is there a fee to join?
No! Everyone is responsible for getting their own book.
11.) I am a blogger and want to do this, but I can't commit to posting each week.
No problem. This is a laid back study that you join in when you are able. Life will get in the way. There are times I get my post up on Thursday. There has even been a time when I just put up the Mr. Linky so we could read other's thoughts because I didn't get my chapter read. Life happens and I strongly encourage you to put God and family first.
12.) What if I start this study, but have to drop out. Can I join the next one if the book interests me?
Absolutely! Come when you can, drop out when you have to. God and family first above blogging.
13.) I just read a great book, do you ever take recommendations for books to do in the future?
YES! If you have a book that impacted you, please let me know about it and it will be prayerfully considered.
If you have a question that was not here, please e-mail me.

Contact Info:
Lelia Chealey

~Many Blessings~