In spite of my fear, I chose to believe what I couldn't understand.
When family or friends are going through something isn't it so easy to throw verses at them and tell them to rely on God no matter what? But then life throws you a curve ball and all of a sudden no matter how hard you swing the bat, you can't make contact with the ball for anything.
So how do we do what Peter did and walk on water? How do we stay focused on the One that death couldn't even conquer? It's so much easier to stay in our comfort zone, but what are we missing out on? Sadly, most people stay in the safety of the boat their entire lives and wonder why life seems so empty, miserable, and dull. Those who live with anxiety are living below the mark of what they were created to be.
Relying on our faith allows us to live fearlessly.
Okay Micca, but HOW? How do we not focus on our circumstances that engulf us? When our husband loses his job how do we not allow ourselves to get consumed with worry? When our teenagers act out how do we not live in fear of their next choice? When a loved one dies suddenly how do we not think the worst every time we are unable to contact our loved ones still living?
Here's her response from living it out first....
1.) I've learned that trusting God with one fear doesn't give me automatic faith for the next one.
2.) God wants me to trust Him and allow His power to work through me to accomplish all He's called me to do.
3.) Realizing that with God anything is possible.
So we need to admit that we need God's grace and know that He wants our trust.
There was so much richness in this chapter that I definitely need to read it again to make sure it sinks into my head. Which is very thick at times.
Micca showed us that when we believe in the things Satan feeds us we have
The Father of lies specializes in false advertisement. He's good at making our fears---based on lies---look real when they are not.
At the end of the chapter we are shown the difference between good fear and bad fear.
Good fear: godly fear~To fear God is to reverence Him; it's to stand in awe of Him.
Bad fear: Fear that steals our peace and rest, lacking in the fear of God.
I know that I lack a healthy fear of God. I'm striving for it, but I need to have more of it. Micca says One of the hardest things to do is to give up control and trust someone other than ourselves.
Watching my husband being pushed into the operating room is so tough. I feel out of control and last year I did not pass any test that God may have been giving me. This time around I just want to trust Him into the arms of my Savior. I want to trust that God is going to guide the hands of the surgeon and his team. And when he comes to, I want to love on him and support him like I'm supposed to.
MC was quick to point out to us that it's not about giving up, it's about gaining the power and presence of God living His life through us.
OH my goodness...don't we all just want that? WHY is it so hard to just trust that God knows what He is doing? I interfere so much and I believe I cause my family and myself to miss out on the blessings God has just for us because I "come to the rescue". Ugggh!
We wouldn't dare admit that we are in over our heads. We want to appear in control. But God never meant for you and me to be strong in and of ourselves. We were meant to show His strength in our weakness as He provides our needs. We were created to live like little children, dependent on the care of our heavenly Father.
If you have something to share on your own blog, please do so in a post and putting your blog address below in Mr. Linky. If you have questions on how to do this you can email me at chealey5@yahoo.com
OH...the winner of Jennifer Rothschild's book, Self Talk, Soul Talk is....JEANIE!!
Congrats Jeanie! You will love this book and the author! E-mail me your address so Jennifer can send her book your way. This was the book we did on our last YES to GOD study and you can find the posts for that on the bottom of my sidebar. It was an incredible time of growth for many. Thank you Jennifer for donating this book to us for the giveaway...may God bless you in a mighty way!
Next Tuesday I will be blogging from Gene's hospital room an hour away from our kids. Please pray that all goes both at home and in Omaha. Also, that we will choose to believe God instead of buying into the lies of fear from Satan, the Prince of Darkness.
Take a moment to listen to this song about fear by Mandisa called Victorious. It's on her newest CD called Freedom and my girl Alivia and I cannot get enough of it. Be blessed as you listen closely to the words and the truth in them. I thought this song went hand in hand with the chapter.
~Many Blessings~
Having walked through some mighty big fears of my own, it is a comfort to read how Micca herself, has walked through BIG FEARS as well.
I loved how she encouraged us with the scriptures to seek out what God has to say about satan, and then what He has to say about Jesus. If you haven't taken the time to do that, Sisters, I would like to encurage you to do so. WOW....I was so strengthened by having done so.
While I certainly by no means have arrived...I truly believe this statement from page 37. "For you and me to live as carefree children in the care of God, we must return to living daily in His presence." Confirms what I have read thus far from Brother Lawrence, Practicing the Presence of God.
This was a really good chapter. You hit on a lot of good points. It's amazing how we each can highlight different quotes of hers and then read someone else's post and think "was that in there? Did I really miss that?" Yet, it wasn't missed but rather something else was highlighted.
I've often wished I had a photogenic memory. I wish I could hold onto (and hold longer) to such valuable stuff.
Like Yolanda, I liked the direct comparison of what Jesus is like versus what satan is like.
You are a hoot, Lelia, with your beginning comments of being even less godly if you were hosting b/c you'd be yelling at your kids.
When we host small group in different homes on Thursdays, I know all the ladies feel the same. We shouldn't. We shouldn't feel we have to clean up for these peeps who are as close as our own. Probably goes back to Lisa's book. (By the way, we rotate hosting so that no one is overly ungodly...at least not every week.haha)
Love ya,
I had forgotten about hearing that acrostic for FEAR before but am so glad you included it here! I will write it down this time.
I sure hope your husband does well with his back surgery and that it will take care of the pain for him!
God bless,
"One of the hardest things to do is to give up control and trust someone other than ourselves." This is the biggest obstacle for me in my faith. As much as I believe what God can do, it's so hard to let go of things so He can work.
I am sorry I missed the first week's post, but I'm back!
Dear friend, I will be praying for you sweet Gene once again. I am so sorry that he is going through this. I know what a toll it takes on a family when one member has pain that way. Bless his heart.
Fear not!
I'm using all 366 of mine...
As always, good insight, Lelia. I am missing doing the study...so much happening this spring though.
I will be praying for Gene. Maybe when he feels better you can bring him to Dallas...surely we will run into Emmett again! :)
Prayers for you and your family.
No F.E.A.R.!!
Love you!
I'm so excited to join this study. I cannot believe it has already been a year. Congrats - great job keeping it going. I always enjoy your insights and the fellowship.I will keep Gene in my prayers.
Wow! You girls have blessed my socks off! I don't know if tears are good for my keyboard or not, but they are dripping from my checks from reading your comments.
Isn't God good! I love how He speaks to our hearts. I'm learning SO MUCH from each of you. I can't wait until next week to glean from YOU!
AND Lelia! What an amazing job you're doing! You have the gift of insight. I love how you take what I've writen and add more depth to it. I'm going to learn as much as ya'll in this study! And I can't wait!
Also, know that I'm praying for Gene and for each of you in this study. Satan wants to rob your time so that you'll remain in fear. But God wants to give you a life of faith. Hang In There, Gal's!
10,000 blessings
Can I tell you again, how perfect is God's timing with this study!
I am blown away how He does this stuff. He has done it before, so why should I be so surprised!
Know i will be praying for you and Gene and the whole family, now and next week.
Love you and God bless,
Okay, so I'm not in your study...even though the book sounds wonderful. I was so blessed just from reading your comments on chapter 2! I will read the book, but I'm actually reading two others that I really want to finish now. My friend, Jill, has told me about these book studies. I really want to join in the future. Keep it up girls!!!
Leila, I will be praying for you, your husband, Gene, and the rest of the family as Gene goes in for surgery on Tuesday. I'll be looking forward to hearing your praise report on how things go.
I also want to tell you how much I appreciate your very open and honest style. It is so refreshing!!
"I desire you more than anything on earth. My health may fail and my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart."
Psalm 73:25-26
Hi Lelia,
I will be keeping your husband in prayer. My husband also suffers from back pain, and he too had the option of surgery, but is thinking it over, he knows there are risks, but I see him suffer and we are praying to make the right decision as well. he has degenerated disk disease and has had to be put on disability and a medical discharge fron the military. I know fear is a big part of him not doing the surgery at this time.
Hugz Lorie
Hi lovely Lelia...just thought I'd stop by this post too and let you know that I'll be posting on chapter two over the next few days. Such an amazing book, and I am blessed to be doing the study. I will add here that Psalm 91:4-11 from the chapter has blown me away. I feel so protected by His wings, and loving verse 4 - "He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler." xo
Great words! I'm looking forward to the book! I think it's one I've needed to read for awhile and I now God will be faithful and provide just what each one of us needs through Micca's words, other's comments and prayers. Thanks again Lelia - you are the hostess with the mostess!!
Thank you so much for your love of each of us. I have yet to write my chp 2. We have had a weekend of distractions but good ones. A surprise date weekend, and the celebration of my hubs 1 year adoption of Brinn.
I too loved the Fear Acronymn. I've been really thinking on this chapter, it's so good. A couple pages are almost all highlighted.
This is a study that will bring new healing, and I like you just want to rest in my savior and stop being such a controller.
I'm praying for you sister, and for dear Gene, and your family.
Love you
First off, I am so overwhemed and Blessed to win the book by Jennifer Rothschild! I can't wait to read it!
This topic on control is an ever present issue for me! I have been a Christian/Born Again Believer for over 20yrs. You would think I would of got it by now! But...I still catch myself pulling that control back from our Lord!
This is an incredible book on fear that Micca wrote! It's blessing my socks off! With the many trails that I have gone through (and some right now), sometimes all I can do to get through them is to pray almost non-stop! The reason being, that worry (which is fear) would creep in and try to steel my faith. Praying when this happens get's me through!
Lelia, I pray that your husbands surgery goes well. Also, for s speedy recovery for him!
Better late than never! I've posted, if you can call it that. What started off as a really good day turned a bit hay wire today so I have run out of brain cells to do a 'usual' post. I am also a bit behind in reading chapter 3 so I'm going to do some more of that now. Thank goodness for the time difference! I get, what feels like, an extra day, hehe. xo
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