
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Just Ask

A few weeks ago the Lincoln Public Schools district office burned down. 
Completely destroyed. 
Today, I had to call the temporary office to ask some questions.
In the midst of sorrow and loss, Jean, who answers the phone has made a deliberate choice to rise above.
She answered the phone with one question:
"How may I serve you?" 

Usually when you call an office you're asked how they can help you, but serve you? 
It took me off guard and got me thinking. 

Sometimes when I talk to God I just ask.
Days can go by when I may not even praise, just ask. 
Ask for help, guidance or relief for my husband who is in chronic pain. 
Ask for interference in a friend or one of my kids' life who is seeking anything but You. 
Ask for peace, wisdom, insight and energy. 

Salvation has been given from asking.
Forgiveness has been granted from my asking. 
Grace has been poured over my undeserving self from asking.
I ask. Sometimes He answers. Sometimes He tells me to be still and just know. 
Know that He is God. That He is able. 

But I can honestly tell you in all my asking with hopeful gain I have never simply asked Him  
                                                                "How may I serve You?" 

So today... 
I praise. 
And I humbly ask, 
"Lord, how may I serve You?"


Yolanda said...

How may I serve you? WOW, that really gets me to thinking. Thank you for sharing!


Lelia Chealey said...

Thank YOU for sharing, Sister!
Love ya,

Laura said...

So many days, I have to make a deliberate choice to follow His ways. Not just in serving (though that's a biggie), but in loving, and giving, and the way I talk and...well, you get the picture. Intention. It takes discipline.

How are you, sweet friend? Summer is here and I'm betting your girls are already enjoying it. time for swimming and sleeping in. :) I love you, Lelia. Hugs.

Jennifer Emmert said...

LOVE this! I'm a first time visitor, but enjoyed reading your posts... I'll be checking in again soon!

Pamela (His maidservant) said...

A big AMEN here!! Chaos is all around me with my oldest daughter but I am praising Him anyway and will add this to my morning prayers.

Got that book done yet....can't wait!!

Believing Him~Pamela