Do you think Jesus celebrated Mother's Day?
As a Mom of three, there are many things the older I get that I regret either doing or not doing when Alyssa and Aaron were young. I wonder if Mary felt that too. With Jesus being her oldest by the time she was raising His siblings, did she sit in reflection and wish she would have done things a different way with her firstborn? Or was Jesus just too perfect that He didn't really need her guidance and so the other sin filled children she later bore shocked her system? My flesh tells me that Jesus was a kid and did normal kid things, but my heart knows that He was not the ordinary boy next door. Boys will be boys is probably something Mary didn't say much about His actions. I wonder if His perfect ways were found to be frustrating to the other moms in their neighborhood or were they just all in awe of residing next to such Majesty?
So if you were in Mary's sandals and Jesus handed you a bouquet of flowers and a Hallmark card telling you that you are the #1 Mom in the would you respond?
I mean, the flowers...He created them so that alone would be extra special.
The card...He created the Hallmark artist who wrote out His feelings so that's pretty cool.
But beyond that, do you believe Him when He is telling you that you do a great job and that He wouldn't want anyone else to be His Mom? Or would you question His compliments based on what you know of yourself? Based on your latest reaction to something your child did. Based on your thought life of your blessing from above. Or do you simply believe the One who cannot tell a lie?
When my kids present me with gifts or handmade cards whether its for Mother's Day or my birthday I love every part of it and my heart just melts. I momentarily forget all the stuff they have done that year and even that day that has made me want to pull out my hair and theirs. And for that moment in time I believe that I, Lelia Chealey, am the world's #1 Mom. Why? Because my child told me so. Because my child wrote it out on a folded piece of construction paper recorded permanently in Crayola's Midnight Blue framed by their effort of a red heart.
So how does Mary take a compliment of truth from her child? How did she handle hearing greatness about herself from her kid? The kid that she knew could live up to the title of being #1 and the best kid in the world.
Sometimes our kids are given awards in sports or in the classroom and as their Mom, knowing that behind every great kid there is usually a great Mom, we proudly accept their award on their behalf in our heart. But can you imagine if your kid brought home a certificate that named him or her as just one of these things?
Wonderful Counselor
Mighty God
Everlasting Father
or even
Prince of Peace?
Mary...humble servant girl. Girl, not wise old woman. One highly favored by God to carry out His plan of Salvation. The virgin that bore a Son that could be compared to no other child. So when the King of all Kings came to His Momma with a token of His love, of course on the outside she accepted it, but in her heart, did she believe it or deny it?
When Jesus tells you that you are doing a great job with your family through your you take that in and praise Him for His help? Or based on what you know of yourself do you reject it?
As a Mom I know I can be extremely hard on myself and if not careful will believe the lies of the enemy over truth spoken by my Savior.
I am late picking up my kids. Again.
Satan tells me I can't do anything right...God tells me to pray to Him for better time management, then obey Him.
I lose it with Aaron over something small and not his I did yesterday.
Satan tells me that you have scarred your child for life and laughs at me as the tears of guilt will not stop falling...God tells me humble yourself ,ask him to forgive you and memorize verses on guarding that sharp tongue of yours. Then He captures my tears in a bottle.
Now I know Mother's Day is a man created holiday intented to acknowledge your Mom and that back in the day when Jesus lived under Mary and Joseph's roof such a day of celebration didn't exist. But, if it did, in my small imagination I see Jesus just loving Mary right where she was at and I believe that Mary and Jesus shared special moments like we do with our kids.
I believe when He stopped playing soccer with His friends to take a moment to run into their home and disrupt her homemaking duties with how He felt about her, she probably just melted much like we do. Things like...
You're the best Mom ever.
You're the #1 Mom in the world.
You are a blessing to Me.
You are doing a great job.
You are so special to Me.
I think you are beautiful.
I love calling you Mom.
I love you.
It's special enough to be told these things from your own child, but can you imagine being told these things by HIM?
The cool thing is that Jesus has told us these things in His Word...we just need to believe Him.
You're the best Mom ever
Luke 1:28b
"Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you."
You're the #1 Mom in the world
Proverbs 31:28a
Her children arise and call her blessed
You are a blessing to Me
Proverbs 31:30
Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord will be praised.
You are doing a great job
Psalm 46:5
God is within her, she will not fall; God will help her at break of day.
You are so special to Me
Luke 12:7
And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows.
I think you are beautiful
Psalm 45:11
The king is enthralled by your beauty; honor him, for he is your lord.
I love calling you Mom
Ecclesiastes 7:1
A good name is better than fine perfume
I love you
John 3:16
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
So, once a year on Mother's Day when our kid hands us the card they carefully crafted or picked out that tells you that you are #1 and in your heart you may feel far from being close to that...give thanks to God and know they are just seeing Jesus in you and when your life reflects Him, then you are the #1 Mom. In the world.
Not because you get it all right, but because of the Jesus in you.
And just like Mary...take it all in and give Him the glory.
Luke 2:19
But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.
If you are a Mom that has lost a little or big one into the arms of Jesus way too early, may He pour down His love upon your aching heart.
Whatever the reason your child was ushered into Heaven, I just imagine that all the Mom's in heaven are just loving all over him or her until you get there.
Especially Miss Mary because if anyone understands of being asked for her child too soon, it would be her.
If you are a Mom who chose to abort a child, may you allow God to take your shame and sorrow and may the life you gave permission to end on earth bring God glory as she or he dances with the angels in heaven. And crank up some worship music and dance right along with the angels and your baby.
And if you do not have any biological children, but are a Spiritual Mom, may God expand your territory. I hope that the girls and women in your life see Jesus in every part of you. When we profess our love for Him then we are watched closer, studied harder and scrutinized deeper. Keep sharing Him with others and may you hear the words "well done, good and faithful servant" when you meet Jesus face to face.
Have a blessed Mother's Day.
I love you Mom.
And Alyssa, Aaron and Alivia, I am so blessed to be your Mom.
I love you kids more than you know.
~Many Blessings~
As usual, your post got me thinking. :)
Great words. Thanks for sharing.
makes me want to call my mom!
Thanks Lelia
In Him,
Great words Lelia! I think we all need that perspective check from time to time. Thanks for sharing and for the verses to back things up. Have a blessed Mother's Day and I pray you too see yourself through His eyes! Guess what? We are making an announcement tomorrow - on a Mother's Day when our little angel should be about a month old, we will share about the one we expect to hold in October. God is good! I'll post more on my blog sometime soon, but wanted to share with you now.
Lelia, what a great post. So much to think about and so much truth to it all.
May you have a blessed mother's day.
Have a happy Mother's Day..pray you receive a special blessing from His Hand...
Love, Sita
happy mothers day lelia!
love ya,
Stopping by to tell you HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!!
Love ya!!
Thought provoking! Awesome!
Happy Mother's Day dear sister.
Beautiful post my friend.
It was good to see your visit today at my blog.
I've missed you! How in the world are you?
Hope you had a blessed mother's day Lelia.
As usual you put into words just what I was thinking.
Bless you my friend ~ it is always good to "hear your heart."
Happy Mother's Day!!!
Loved this! I have spent so many years struggling with receiving any praise...especially on Mother's Day...because I get my eyes on all of my mistakes. I love this picture you have painted of Jesus praising Mary. And I love the verses you gave.
Happy Mother's Day!
From a woman who is learning to believe He didn't make any mistakes in making me a mom,
K :)
BEAUTIFUL and I'm left pondering. Pondering what Jesus spoke to Mary. Pondering the blessings of being a Spiritual Mom.
Love ya!
Hi Lelia!
I am so thankful for your inspiring words. I am a
member of a leadership team for MOPS (mothers of preschoolers).
I shared your awesome mothers day
post with them...I always pray for
God to give me direction on
encouragement for them and his answer for Mothers Day came from
your story. Listening to his voice
is my daily aspiration as well. Thank you from the heart!
Oh wow, another great post!
I love coming here, I'm never disappointed or not deeply touched.
Thanks Leila!
Hey, I need your address, again.
Love you♥
Great Word Leila. Wonderful reminders to make every day matter and awesome reminders of God's Good Words!!
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